20-25 of March 2023
Course introductory webinar
1st of June at 18:00 (GMT+3)
Week-long camp

Modern design and art scene from the perspective of designers and artists living in Berlin. Where is design going now? What is the best way to grow professionally and how to keep up with the speed of changes in design language? How is all of it dealing with art? In this course, we are going to find answers and help designers define their place in visual and creative fields. We are going to spend each day making tasks for expanding our minds and for a better understanding of the design and art industry.

Sometimes it’s hard to raise your eyes from everyday routine and understand where you are standing both professionally and personally. So many images and voices around. Should designers follow them to be trendy, or it’s better to gain your own voice? We launch this programme to help participants define their place in the modern design world and realize what their next step should be. Together we are about to find a grain of contemporary design through lectures, practical assignments, exhibition visits, and talks.
For artists, designers, heads of design, art directors, and professionally mature freelancers with established professional and creative vision, willing to expand their knowledge with new creative techniques, to adopt multidisciplinary tools, and to dive into a new cultural framework. For people who are looking for an opportunity to build a network and find like-minded people. For all the creative people who feel stuck and need a small push — in one of the most vibrant and diverse cities of Europe.
The program will appear soon
Price includes educational programme, street art excursions, and workshops. Visa, transportation, food, and museums are paid separately. In order to participate in this campus, you have to fill up the form below. We  message you back within a couple of  hours :)
We provide all the required documents if the course is paid by your employer. You can always purchase this course as a gift certificate and make a present to another person.

We are glad to answer your questions —
phone +34 671 152 283 (call or what's app), email —
If you want to organize an educational course in Europe, drop us an email!

We are ready to share our experience, give some tips, and provide trainers!