The team happened to be great. The state of diffusion, looking for ideas and random associations where we found ourselves during the entire trip — useful if consumed in moderation. Sasha was telling interesting things. Visiting agencies where people exist in an environment which is new to you and who generally think in a different way — that’s good for self-growth.
Dmitry Orlov
Head of Wrike Mobile Development Team
The course made me meet great people, gave me an opportunity to see how service designers work in other countries, Sasha is a super great curator!
Educational Programmes Facilitator at the Wonderfull laboratory
I realised that UX is not limited to my screen. It is everywhere and you can find an infinity of good / bad design examples around you, thereby enhancing your visual experience and empathy.
To find and describe as many service interaction mechanics, typical for Helsinki, as possible.
Working in the groups of three, observing and exploring the city. Working as a mirror to each other. The focus is placed on city services — banks, post office, transport, supermarkets, museums and urban spaces; graffiti, street signage, architecture.
Oodi library, urban spaces
Discussion in the evening. Presenting the found solutions, analyzing successful — and not very successful — cases.
Day 2. Helsinki
The focus of the day: educational projects and analyzing cases using the reverse engineering method
To choose one of the cases and examine it through the users’ profiles, technologies and further development. Launching a school on the campus of Aalto University, Reaktor + Yle case, Oodi library
Clusterization of users, assessment of already existing and possible technologies, data that can improve the service and MAYA
Aalto University, Reaktor agency
Discussion in the evening. Presenting the found solutions
Day 3. Helsinki
The focus of the day: Finnish service design and culture
To describe Finland using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. Field research and desk research. Libraries, museums, magazines, observations and interviews with the city residents
Exploring the phenomena of Finnish life and culture and describing those within the framework of Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory, tracking the interaction mechanics
Discussion in the evening. Presenting the found solutions.
Read about Tallinn
Day 4. Tallinn
The focus of the day: government services and analyzing cases using the reverse engineering method
To describe Estonia using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory. Field research and desk research. Banks, post office, transport, supermarkets, museums and public spaces; graffiti, street signage, architecture. Interviews with the city residents.
Exploring the phenomena of Estonian life and culture and describing those using Hofstede's cultural dimensions theory.
Kumu museum, Telliskivi creative hub, Tallinn old town
Discussion in the evening. Presenting the found solutions.
Day 5. Tallinn
The focus of the day: Estonian service design and culture
To answer the question: what is Scandinavian service design? Comparing service design in Estonia and Finland. Creating concepts and prototypes of new services for Northern countries, comprehensive review of development of services.
Exploring Estonian life and culture using Hofstede’s cultural dimensions theory, service promises, discover & design, desk research.
Brand manual agency, e-Estonia centre
The final day. Tallinn
The focus of the day: final presentations, concepts and the prototype of Scandinavian service design
A research work by each participant, answering the question of what is service design in Finland and Estonia, evidential basis, examples, conclusions.
To work out proposals for improving our current projects based on the findings made on Scandinavia, or a presentation of a new project’s concept.